Nourish Yourself


 Nourish Yourself

This month I was honored to be one of the ambassadors for The Leaky Boob and their #TLBNourish campaign. We had the opportunity to try out several different products to study how we nourish ourselves and our family this month. At the end of this month I have learned two things:

The Leaky Boob Nourish

1. Nourishment is not only in the food we eat

2. I cannot serve others until I serve myself.

Nourishment is Not Just Food

Provided that food for your family is sufficient the nourishment gap is filled however that is not all that is important in life. Your stomach is full but your body and mind need filling as well. While pumping I had the opportunity to really sit and think about how wonderful it is that my body is fueling my baby. It is so amazing how our bodies work, how two people come together to form another and how the female anatomy is specifically designed to care for a baby. I also realized how thankful I am that modern technology has developed ways for the baby to be fed without the breast too. I love that I have the opportunity to share the bonding with my family through a bottle as well. This not only gives our baby nourishment through her body but through touch and building relationships as well.

Relationships are the foundation of bonding with others. Food and relationships go hand in hand. From birth you bond with your mother through the act of feeding, you grow to self feed food that your caregiver provides for you, then you make friends typically through the lunchroom, ultimately ending as the person who provides substance for others. What is it about food that makes you open up to other people and build strong relationships? It just feels amazing to spend time with other people over a good meal. Stepping back you realize that food is just a small part of the equation; let your personality and self-love shine through and you have something truly spectacular.

Nourish Yourself First

A lot of times as mothers we forget that WE exist too. We spend so much time focusing on our families that we forget to care for ourselves. I am a huge victim of ignoring myself so much that I didn’t realize what the true effect it was having on those around me. I get so busy between blogging, working from home, cleaning, breastfeeding, and caring for the rest of my family I forget self-care. My issue is there is never enough time in the day to do everything so I put myself last. By putting myself last I become overwhelmed with my daily life which results in failing in every aspect.

This month has taught me that nourishing myself will make me a better mom in the long run. Documenting my life this month has shown me that simplifying and streamlining my life will help immensely. I decided to build a better schedule for myself and the children, incorporating “me time” everyday. Taking time to meditate or focus on myself means success in my duties as a mom, wife, and business owner. During this experience with The Leaky Boob I realized I need to better myself and love me more.

My first “me time” is between me and a big plate of pancakes. Food is one of my love languages and I need me some lov’n.

Crunchy Mom Bonus!

Mommy Moosli Pancakes

Mommy Moosli Pancakes

“You are special, You are loved, You matter, You are BEAUTIFUL” 

About Author

Bryttany is the founder of and mom to two under the age of two! When she isn't working she is running The Natural Minded Parents of Woodstock and teaching classes on attachment parenting, cloth diapers, and more. She will be sharing her experiences as a "crunchy mom" with the hopes of inspiring others to live their true selves.

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