5 Things Every Working Mom Should Do


5 Things Every Working Mom Should Do

#1: Get Over It” One of the first things that every working mom needs to do, is to go ahead and get over it. Get over the idea you had before you had kids of how you’d be the world’s best mom while also conquering the world. There is only so much of you and so many hours in the day. Get over the expectations you may have put on yourself and just do your best. Remember, you have little eyes watching you and if they see your stress, they may internalize that in other ways. You want your kids to see you as your best version, so if you don’t have gourmet meals cooked every night after working 10 hours, it’s okay. Those meals are not what your kids will remember. They will remember you coming home and smiling and making time for them. Get over what other moms think about a working mom, get over your idea of a perfectly run home, get over trying to do it all, and just do your best.

#2: Get An Assistant” Well, maybe not an actual assistant, but find someone who has your back. In my job, our Vice President says that everyone should have a “Robin.” Meaning that even Batman had a sidekick, everyday working moms need someone in their corner too. This may be your husband who you turn to for reassuring words. Or maybe a coworker who is also a working mom, you can share pep talks when you need it. Or maybe it’s a community of women you are a part of either in-person or virtually through social media. We are not meant to be islands. Make sure you find someone who can be your confidant.

#3: Say ‘Who Cares'” When you are juggling a career and a home and a family and marriage, you have to prioritize. Learn to say “who cares” about the little things. So the kids wore outfits to school that didn’t match, who cares? They are fed, and healthy, and happy. Focus on the good things. So you were five minutes late to work, who cares? You are a working mom and know how to get more done in 30 minutes than most people. You will make up that time and then some. When you can’t do it all, you have to learn to let it go and just say “who cares?”

#4: Fill Your Calendar” It may seem that as a working mom, you’d want to do the opposite. That you’d want to make sure you’re freeing time on your calendar as opposed to filling it. But when you’re a working mom, scheduling is your best friend. If you want to make sure you have time for a date night with the hubs, put it on the calendar. If you’ve committed your schedule to it, it is more likely to happen. Also, making sure that any important event is scheduled will make sure you work the rest of your appointments around it. Want to be at the 9 am swim class? Then you’ll know not to make work appointments until later in the day. Filling your calendar and making time for the things that matter will ensure that they don’t get neglected.

#5: “Quit” Now before you pick up the phone and resign, I do not mean quit your job. You need to quit everything else. Quit letting your guilt make you suffer. Remember why you work. Hopefully it is because you love it but it may also be because your family is depending on that income. So quit feeling bad when you walk out the door and instead, give yourself a pat on the back for doing something that is best for your family. Quit doubting yourself. You’ve got this! You juggle so many roles and balance it all with grace. Quit questioning if you’re doing a good job. No one else could do it like you! Quit letting any doubt or insecurities creep into your thoughts and focus on all the positives you have going on. After all, you’re a mom, and that’s the best job in the world!

About Author

Lauren Karr is an Atlanta-based blogger. Lauren works full time in educational technology and manages 11 states. Between playdates and flights, she manages to still have fun!

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