The Plea of a Small Business Mom


The Plea of a Small Business Mom, By Carly Grayson

Politics are a touchy subject for most, but at the same time, a very passionate subject for many of us. I fall in the latter category. My right to vote is a privilege that I hold dear, after all, women waited a long time to vote and had to fight to get there! This election seems more important than ever before to me, as it will set the trajectory of the country for our children and grandchildren to come. We have an obligation to set them up for success in life free from debt, to educate ourselves on current events, and to vote for the candidate we feel best exudes the political values we hold dear.


You’ve probably all heard the tale of the child who went trick or treating, but when he got to the last house the guy took his candy and said “I didn’t go out and get any candy so I’m taking yours; that way we all get some.” How unfair! They lazy guy did nothing. I was the kid in that story.

We work hard, employ 48 people and will pay close to $400k in small business taxes this year (on top of personal taxes); Kind of makes me sick just typing that (barf). Before you think “well she’s rich” let me clarify. My husband and I both worked hard to put ourselves through school and my husband also went to graduate school. He saved and scrimped every bit of money over the years to buy this business. Entrepreneurs know running a business is no easy feat! Nothing was “handed” to us.

My husband’s father died when he was just 12 years old, and his mother raised him on school teacher salary. My parents owned a small printing company and likewise, did not hand us anything. No trust fund kids here! As a mom, I don’t want my son to ever feel like his country will take care of him if he decided not to work hard and make a meaningful contribution to society. I want to raise him to work hard at everything he does, and I am hopeful he watches us leading by example.

Now before you think, “Man they are so greedy” please know, we give to many charities, help the widows and orphans in our neighborhood, support a child in Africa, support foster care parents in Woodstock and also support a full time missionary. We do love to give, we just want to choose where our money goes rather than the government making those choices for us. The facts are, Capitalism create jobs. No matter how high the taxes are its clearly not sustainable to fund all the spending, hence the national debt (let me barf here again). What our country needs is a President and Congress that will support Capitalism!

I urge you all, do some research, challenge yourself to think outside the realm of “how you feel”, and no matter which way you vote, exercise your right or please, don’t complain.



Carly Grayson and Family

Carly Grayson and Family

Carly is a local Atlanta work from home mom to one adorable son, Andy. She manages her beach condo rental and also is an advocate for healthier choices as a consultant for Beauty Counter.

About Author

​Caroline Hoffman is a 30 year old, God loving, married, mother of two. She has a one year old son with severe food allergies and a three year old daughter with lots of spunk. She attempts organic gardening in her back yard, English horseback riding on occasion, Yoga and reading mystery romance novels when life permits. She describes her parenting style as "mostly crunchy, but sometimes soggy" and has a passion for helping other moms reach their own parenting happy place. Breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby led weaning and childhood food allergies are her current parenting passions, although, after years of running a mommy forum, she has accumulated quite a knowledge base of all things parenting and enjoys sharing all that she can with others. Caroline is founder and operator of the Facebook page, My Atlanta Moms Cub, created in 2012

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