That Weird “Crunchy” Granola Hippie Mom


Cheers to that weird-crunchy-granola-hippie mom you see breastfeeding and tandem baby-wearing at the store.

Stand proud semi crunchy formula feeding essential oil using mama.

Hail to those who cloth diaper, to those who use disposables, and to those who use Elimination Communication.

A fed baby is a happy baby and it doesn’t matter what’s on their bottoms, because they are going to poop on the floor eventually anyways.

For we must all stand proudly together in this thing we call motherhood.

 I am that crunchy granola hippie mom who uses disposable pull ups on her toddler, because “ain’t nobody got time for that” with two under two.

I use essential oils and tinctures, even had my placenta encapsulated.

I am also the one who has heard “is that your baby or are you babysitting,” smiled proudly and responded, “yes ma’am and I did it all natural at home too!”

The one who sees your horrified look wondering how she could go out in public with blue and purple hair.

The one who pulls out both breasts to tandem breastfeed her children to help ease her toddler’s transition to big brother.

The one who salutes all moms regardless of their views on motherhood.

So, rock on mama regardless of your background.

Love your babies, live your life, and follow your dreams.

You are a good mom, don’t let anyone tell you different.

You are crunchy, semi, whole, non, hippie, granola, straight, strange, weird.

You matter.

You are beautiful.

You are wonderful.

You are special.

You are loved.

Stand strong.

Let’s unite together in this thing called motherhood.

My "Crunchy" Life

My “Crunchy” Life

*We work with talented photographers, please visit their galleries to see their amazing work: 

“You are special, You are loved, You matter, You are BEAUTIFUL”

About Author

Bryttany is the founder of and mom to two under the age of two! When she isn't working she is running The Natural Minded Parents of Woodstock and teaching classes on attachment parenting, cloth diapers, and more. She will be sharing her experiences as a "crunchy mom" with the hopes of inspiring others to live their true selves.

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