Nap Time Cardio: Living Room Workouts For Busy Moms


Skip the treadmill, elliptical or bike, this interval based circuit will get your heart pumping.  You don’t even need to leave your living room or put on shoes! Bonus: interval based cardio, like this workout, is far more effective for fat loss than steady state cardio.

I created this workout to get the blood pumping and wake up all the muscles in your body.  It starts off slow, builds in the middle then slows to some stretching in the end.  Less than 15 minutes from start to finish. Which makes this workout perfect for nap time!

If you are not quite feeling up to the squats and lunges, a Swiffer can be your best friend.  Check out this video for some Swiffer assisted lower body work.

And this just for kicks…remember not to be too hard on yourself.  Sometimes you get your cardio in other ways!

Chasing Toddlers is my Cardio

About Author

Alison Marie is a personal trainer and weight loss specialist. She is also a single-mom, teacher, runner, and entrepreneur. Living Room Workout Club was born from finding balance in it all and she loves helping other moms do the same! You can find more information at

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