The Mommy Pep Talk



It’s Monday, or maybe Tuesday… hell, it could be Friday for all I know. I’m a mommy and my days often blur together. My mornings consist of alarm clocks and coffee and fresh diapers. It’s a repetitive cycle of brushing hair and packing lunches and kissing good bye. It’s a quick glance in the mirror to see if I look acceptable enough for the drop off line. It’s a yoga pants and bun kind of day. It’s a “five more minutes” type of morning. But mommy’s don’t get to hit snooze.

So as I begin my work day, or I drop my kids off, or begin my homeschooling… whatever kind of mommy I may be, I could use a pep talk. So here it is…

You are amazing. Not only can you grow humans, you also care for them and ensure their survival. You’re able to know what those tiny humans need even when they themselves don’t know what they need. You can decipher what cry means what. You know when a meltdown is coming because someone didn’t get enough sleep. You can juggle meal prepping and PTA and homework. You remember birthdays and anniversaries and any other important date. You find time for tickle fights and cuddle sessions and storytime. You are fabulous.

You are beautiful. You may not have brushed your hair today or put on ‘real’ clothes but you’re lovely. You glow because you are about to burst from pride and joy. You are tender because your heart is so full of love. The smile that your kids bring to your face is brighter than any other. You are stunning.

You are Superwoman. You manage a house, and a career, and children, and a husband. You do the job of ten without the salary or the benefits. You are selfless and put your family’s needs above your own. You patiently watch your children as they try to do things for themselves, knowing you’ll have to fix or clean or redo it later. You calmly remind your husband to pick up milk for the third (or fourth or fifth) time. You often times survive your days with very little sleep. You are one tough cookie.

You are brilliant. You develop those little brains from the very beginning. You teach ABCs and inspire imagination. You help teach life lessons and encourage your children to learn and be curious. You help them discover the world and dream big. You help with homework and projects and cheer your little learners on. You are wise.

You are perfect. There is no one else on this earth who can be you. There is no other who can be the mother to your children, the better half to your spouse, or a better you. You may not feel like perfection on a daily basis but your best is better than best. You put your all into all you do and for that, you are exquisite.

So remember this when you feel defeated and worn out and unappreciated, your world couldn’t survive without you.  “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” -Dr. Seuss

You got this mama!

About Author

Lauren Karr is an Atlanta-based blogger. Lauren works full time in educational technology and manages 11 states. Between playdates and flights, she manages to still have fun!

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