Meet Megan Langford


Hi, Ladies! I’m Megan, and I’m a part time working mama of two little ones that both drive me crazy and melt my heart every single day.  I was so excited when Caroline created this group because I didn’t have any friends who were moms at the time.  I was the first of my inner circle of friends to have kids, which meant my whole life had drastically changed (but no one else’s had), and I very much needed the community of support that was created when she founded this group.  It was so great to hear from other mamas out there what worked and didn’t work with their kids and learn about a whole variety of views and approaches to every problem or question I had along the way.

     Due largely to the support I received in My Atlanta Moms Club, I was able to provide some donor milk to my son after my own supply had dwindled.  I also found that the tips for establishing and maintaining an adequate breastmilk supply were so helpful that after my daughter was born, I was able to not only breastfeed exclusively for over a year, but also become a milk donor myself to other mamas in need of milk for their infants.   

     Through posts in this group, I’ve gained knowledge about many things including my daughter’s tongue and lip ties, how to potty train my son, babywearing tips, family vacation planning, meal planning, gift ideas, and much, much more.  I love to share what has worked and hasn’t worked for me and my kids in hopes of helping other mamas (or just simply giving support/encouragement when needed), and I continue to learn through each new stage of my parenthood journey from the melting pot of fabulous women in this group!

About Author

Megan has a 3.5 year old son, Holden, an angel baby, and a one year old daughter, Hadley, and she is a high school and college level math teacher. Megan has been both a donor milk recipient/formula user as well as a milk donor/exclusive breastfeeder. She enjoys co-sleeping and babywearing, and she leans towards attachment parenting.

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